- "We received the game on a Saturday around 11:am, I was at work and my son's were home. I received a text from my 9 yr.old
telling me that they had played their first
round of Kalimaat at 11:45am. By the time I got
home (1:pm) there were an additional 4 boys
(ages: 8-15) in my house playing the second
round, laughing and crying joyfully. It's been a
fantastic tool for my boys to share culture,
companionship and most importantly respect for
each others free agency. Another testimony I
want to share is our recent escape to Lake
Arrowhead Village. We arrived at the village on
Tuesday afternoon and came upon the toy store
there. They had an array of board games and we
took the opportunity to tell the store clerk
Janet about your game. She took note of your
website and game name."
Angie Castrejo (San
Bernardino, CA)
- “Its not your average game its tests your
quickness and intellect, if you want to have fun and
alot of laughs, explore Kalimaat!”
Frank M. (Montreal, QC)
- "We went on a camping trip for part of that time and took Kalimaat with us and got to play it once. Very very mixed group of ages: 5 and 8 year olds just watched...mainly it was myself with my 11 year old son against my wife and 13 year old daughter. All participants loved the concept and found it quite challenging to remember."
Greg Fulmer (Frederick, MD)
- "I played the game with my family and my non Muslim friends they both loved it lol the non-Muslim friends actually retained info on the Islamic/cultural words cuz they wanted to know them...yeah it was fun. i loved it!"
Mediha Sandhu (Bayonne, NJ)
- "Indeed an opportunity to improve one’s memory, vocabulary, and enhance communication skills. It allows for a very good mental work out. This is a wonderful game to play at home, school, work, a fun icebreaker for events and social gatherings. My family had non-stop laughs playing the game."
Jhoanna Gorriceta (Pasadena, CA)
- "We love your videos and the game itself came promptly and looks very professional indeed. We have played Taboo before and really enjoy that so we expect to enjoy your game too especially as it has the added challenge of using one's memory (and keeping one's mouth shut until later!)"
Anser Rizvi (South Croydon, England)
- "Jazak Allahu Khair for giving Aisha & Amin this ‘cool game’ (the exact words described by them). Obviously they have saw it on the internet before and it’s like dream come true for them. They wanted me to send this picture to you to express their gratitude for the gift."
Br. Muhammad (Plano, TX)
- "Working as a Software Engineer at
Electronic Arts, I spend the majority of my day
around a LOT of games. My team plays a new board
game at lunch almost everyday. So when I first saw
Kalimaat, I wasn't too impressed with it on the
surface (the design on the box isn't really eye
candy). However, when we started playing it, I was
blown away... If you like the game Taboo, you will
love Kalimaat, since it's a more challenging version
of taboo that the whole family can enjoy!"
Zubair Khan (EA Games) (Santa
Clara, CA)
- "We played with my non-Muslim sister a couple of games and truly enjoyed ourselves. We stretched the rules abit so our 6yo can play"
Ponn Sabra (Hamden, CT)
- "Alhumdulillah yeah we enjoyed the game. It was good fun though one game lasted us over half an hour rather than the 20 mins it was supposed to last! It also doesn't help when you have 5 people sitting around you shouting out words just to try and confuse you but I can't complain as the whole family joined in! Jazakallah khayr for also canceling my extra game i ordered quite quickly. InshAllah
you'll have many more successful products such as
this one out in future."
Hajra Maniyar (Bately, UK)
- "One night when my parents came to visit me, I made my mom and dad play the game even it was 3 of us.... It was fun time!
Thanks, Ali, once again for a nice game!"
Almaz Khan (Ellicott, MD
- "mashaallah the few times that we have
played the game, it has been a lot of fun, though
greatly frustrating realizing how poor our memory
is! It's also fun waiting to steal some answers
although we give points even if a token wasn’t
placed down and we did not necessarily decide the
winners based on 15 points but the total at the end
(so the game could go on a little longer!)."
Sahanara Begum (London, UK)
- "
Hey Bro, Yes we like the game very much man! We played it and had a
great time. What I like about it the most is it is easy and hard at
the same time and if you don't stay focused you get laughed at. haha
The cards and timing devices have bright colors that keep you excited
and also it is cool to toss the ships down and collect them when it is
your teams turn. Also its slick how you introduce the Arabic words and
concepts that we may forget from time to time. Very balanced game and
quite fun to play.
I have a 17yo a 15yo a 10yo and 8yo the oldest is a girl and the rest
boys. My youngest was actually the best at the game because he was the
most focused on remembering the words!
The ease of being able to simply guess the words is balanced by the
challenge of remembering several words at once, combined with the time
factor, make for a great game.
I plan to play this game whenever I can with my kids and will give
extra points for the cultural / religious word or phrase. Keep up the great work!!"
Kamal Abdul-Hakim (Glendale, AZ)
- "We have really enjoyed the game! The only
thing that would have made this a bit easier to work
with is a pamphlet that had the definitions of the
words used, especially the Islamic and cultural ones
due to those who play that don’t have any
information regarding this. Basically this would
allow the game to be bought as gifts for non-Muslims
w/out having to have Muslims there to play the game
with them to explain the wording. Again other than
that it’s a great game."
Mahdi Shirazi (Madison, AL)
- "I just received the game .. I am so
excited ..YEEEY. You won't believe this
.. But ur game is the first item I have ever bought
over the internet .. LooL"
Huda Haisan (Abu Dhabi, UAE)
- "First of all, I have to say that Allah has blessed
you with some amazing game-making skills. After you sent
Kalimaat to me last week (Jazakallah for the expedited
delivery again), my friends and I played it many times
again and again for uninterrupted enjoyment
Alhamdulillah. The game, as advertised, was really
intense, really tested our memories, and provided
occasional really hilarious moments. "
AbuBakar Abid (Marietta, GA)
- "I love Baba Ali's game: Kalimaat!...he has managed to make it educational yet full of fun and excitement...they are great for the whole family and I would highly recommend it."
Zain Bhikha (Dubai, UAE)
- “I finally got round to playing it ... It's pure genius! :) I was playing with family and they all loved it! It was genuinely entertaining and also led to a conversation about the muhadditheen and their
criteria for accepting Hadith in their compilations etc ...I have no qualms whatsoever- maa shaa Allah, I totally understand your excitement - it's a great game :)”
Shaheda P. (London, UK)
- "I started playing the game and before you know it hours have passed and I am still playing game as it is very fun to play."
Hassan Sultan. (Tampa, FL)
- "I thougth the game was ALLOT of fun being able to play with family and especially my mom who we played with in URDU!!! How amazing is that !! A game which is FUN and exciting any language you play in !"
Yawer Atiq (Edmonton, Canada)
- "I don't know what's more fun, trying to remember the words to beat the competition or laughing at each other doing it."
Sammy Ahmed. (Orange County, CA)
- "Kalimaat is a great family game that's fun and educational. Every Muslim family should have a game at home like this that they can play and build bonds rather than watch TV or do something unproductive."
Jaweed Bari. (San Jose, CA)
- "I must say that Kalimaat! is the most fun I've had in a non-physical sport game. The fact that is exercises the memory in such an intense, exciting, highly-social way is both outrageous and remarkable at the same time. Ever since I played the first round, I've been hooked and have been anxiously awaiting for the official release of the game (no joke). It'll be a LOT of fun inshAllah!
Belal Khan. (Paramus, NJ)
- "Kalimaat is a great game in that it challenges you, with an urgency to use your creativity on the spot, not to just to elicit the right answers from your partner, but to also remember all the words that you've figured out. Added to it all, that everything is time-sensitive, the game creates an excitement and intensity which really brings life to a gathering. I really enjoyed playing it, and with the incorporation of Islamic terminology, what more can you really ask for in a game?"
Adnan Yamani. (Irvine, CA)

It's not what you now, it's what you remember!